

for Visionary Souls

Who Long for more impact

Let me guess…

You feel a hunger from deep within for something MORE.

The world stage is calling you to be seen and heard and felt in order to sing your life’s greatest song.

You want to own your wacky wildness while having a serious impact.


You’re not clear on where your hunger is leading you.

Something is blocking your inner knowing and your ability to create the change in the world you know you are here to create.

Your purpose and your mission feel just beyond your reach.

I can help.

I’m a Sensitive Soul who’s been where you are now.
Despite knowing at a very young age that I was meant to lead, I had a love/hate relationship with being seen. 

I spent my twenties working an office job during the day while doing theatre at night. Working way too much overall.
When someone asked me to fax something during one of my post-show funks, a voice inside of me said,
“Don’t you know I’m meant for greater things?”

Deep down I longed have an impact, to sing my life’s greatest song, but I had no idea how to get there …

I was keeping myself small.

So I went on a quest to understand my purpose, and what I found rocked my world:

There is a voice within each of us calling us to live a more aligned life.

When we listen to it, that inner whisper shows us the path to leadership, impact and  freedom!

The Adventure of a Lifetime

You are a unique and beautiful soul.

Your voice is needed in the world.

Do you want to … ?


  • Come out of hiding and serve others in a bigger way
  • Feel ALIVE from head to toe
  • Be seen and heard and felt throughout your life
  • Speak authentically & powerfully when it matters most
  • Find and step into your aligned power

You can!

I will help you …

  • Tap fully into yourself
  • Clear the static so you can hear your intuition
  • See the richer, deeper story of your life that’s just beneath the surface
  • Unleash your creativity and unique style
  • Own a new kind of power: the kind that comes from the inside and radiates out.

You will learn to be YOU and have the impact only YOU can make.

This is not a quick fix.  It’s a powerful process designed to create lasting transformation.

You will shift in ways that are beyond your wildest dreams.

My Promise to You

I Will …

  • Respect you enough to tell you the truth.
  • Help you embrace your gifts WHILE walking the path of growth.
  • Hold safe and sacred space for you to express your full self.
  • Be your ally and your mirror.
  • Help you step into your true power and to hold the same safe, transformational space for others.


We’ll dive deep into your gifts and what’s blocking you from fully expressing them so you can begin becoming the magnetic and inspirational leader that you’re meant to be.

What former clients say

It has been an incredibly eye-opening, vulnerable, and powerful experience. Lauri has helped me completely transform my leadership style through identifying my core values and truly living by them. I will forever be grateful.

Angeline Simonovich

Consultant at Stop Meeting Like This

One of the gifs Lauri bestowed me with was the gift of belief. She believed the fire in my eyes and encouraged me to pursue it. If you keep your eyes, ears and mind open, because of her professional and emotional investment in everything that she does, you can guarantee to see improvement within yourself sooner than you expect.

Bezachin Jifar

Actor, San Jose, Ca

My work with Lauri helped me to access my authentic self. Through our coaching sessions, I created my life purpose statement and strings of values, then practiced living those in my daily life. Lauri’s intuitive and creative abilities led me to a deeper awareness of who I am and what I want in my life. I continue to touch back on conversations we had that help me in current situations as well as using the practical, physical body cues to speak my truth. Lauri has an amazing gift and I am so grateful I had the chance to work with her. 

Kim Lottes

Integrative Healer at Kim Grace Healing