hides your radiance?
The Speaker Alter Ego Quiz
Take the Speaker Alter Ego quiz to find out which protective mask hides your natural radiance. You’ll also receive the Soulful Speaking Guide so you can learn how to get present, connect deeply, and share your vision when it matters most!

Beneath the Mask
Although I trained in acting for years, I didn’t always have those creative flow experiences.
Sometimes I was in flow, and sometimes I felt like a deranged manikin. Working really hard, trying to connect with my scene partners and feeling like there was a glass wall between us.
So I went on a quest to understand what created that flow and what blocked it so I could get there more often.
What I found blew my mind:
There is a primal life force in all of us that makes us alive from head to toe.
We’ve learned to wear protective masks that hide our inner radiance.
When we remove the masks and that primal force meets our purpose, we become magnetic.