Go Deep to Emerge

by Lauri

My inner teenager always wants immediate satisfaction.

Can you blame her?

We’re so trained go to for the instant results, the quick fix, the diet pill.

Teenage Lauri (and a few other parts) like to try to skip to the end. To bypass the deep stuff and “get to feeling like the Buddha already.”

Can you guess how that works out?

One day, while circling up with a powerful group of women leaders, it hit me:

You have to go deep to emerge.


That put my soul back in the driver’s seat.

Next time you’re swimming in the muddy waters of transformation, remember that. 😉

With passion & love,

PS – If this speaks to your soul, sign up for a complimentary Breakthrough Session now. We’ll dive deep into your gifts and what’s blocking you from fully expressing them. Guaranteed to shine a light on how you can set yourself free.


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