Purpose Pressure Overwhelm

by Lauri

I’m grateful to be surrounded by so many people who regularly talk about things like “life purpose, values, and impact.” 

My colleagues, friends, and clients can’t get enough of topics like these.

It’s awesome!

And yet, a wave of people in my world are feeling overwhelmed by PURPOSE PRESSURE.  

Pressure to know. To have it all figured out. 

Here’s the truth … 

You are here to LIVE out your life purpose. Not to figure it out. 

In fact, you’re already living out your soul’s purpose. It’s just that it can be challenging to know where you are on the journey because you’re in it. It’s harder for you to see the themes of your own life than it is for people witnessing you because you’re inside your life. 

Imagine putting your face an inch away from a mirror. Would you have clarity? 


You’d need to step back in order to get some perspective. To see clearly. 

Ten years ago, during the CTI Leadership program, one of my tribe mates said, “You’re lucky. You have your purpose all figured out.”

Funny. That’s not at all how it felt to me. While things seemed as clear as day to her, I was struggling internally.

The truth is, you are both discovering and expressing your life purpose with every breath you take, every road you travel, every sound you make, and every word you say. 

Trust yourself. 

With passion & love, 

PS: Stay tuned for more on how to relieve purpose pressure. 😉


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