The Alchemy of Commitment

by Lauri

My heart somehow felt like fire and melting ice at the same time.

My mother’s passing in 2015 had been a wake up call. In the middle of teaching a theatre class I’d suddenly realized:

I was single, avoiding dating, and I hadn’t acted in nearly 5 years!


It was time to choose life!

I picked Carpe Diem as my 2016 theme because I wanted to focus on the (scary) things that meant the most to me: Theatre and love.

At the beginning of that year I felt an intuitive urge to go through a Yoga Teacher Training. My brain thought it was in order to deepen my practice. And it was.

My heart knew it was also to come home to me. To come back to life.

When it was time to commit, I wavered and asked about the refund policy.

Jean Mazzei lovingly told that me there were no refunds. Making sure we were really “in” (and not secretly looking for the emergency exit) was vital to the process of transformation.

I breathed deep and committed.

She couldn’t have been more right. The minute I said “YES” and plopped down my credit card, the transformation began.

✨Within weeks I met my soulmate.
🔥I asked him out.
✨Our first date, just before the teacher training immersion, was magical.
🔥I auditioned and got cast in the role I really wanted.
✨Everything in life felt vibrant, alive, and clear.
🔥During the training, layers and layers of protective CRAP that no longer served me burned in a kind of spiritual fire and floated away.

Commitment is the catalyst for transformation.

What are you committed to?

Comment on this post and let me know. I’d love to hear from you 🙂

With passion & love,

PS – In early June 2022, I married my soulmate. Still reaping the benefits of that empowered commitment. 🤓✨


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