The hot fudge sundae of networking tips

by Lauri

When it comes to networking intros, most people try to cram as much information as they can into their 60 seconds of time. 

Don’t do that. 

Do this instead: 

     Give ‘em a taste. 

Just enough to draw them in. 

Like Ben & Jerry do with those adorable little ice cream taster spoons. 

Don’t try to cram an entire hot-fudge sundae’s worth of information onto that teeny tiny taster spoon. 

That’s messy. 

Let them taste the flavor (in this case, YOU) and decide for themselves if they want more. 

If you’re the right flavor for them, they will come running to you just like we all do for that hot-fudge sundae. 

In her episode of Soulful Speaking, Bridget Baker and I dive deep into ice-cream, introductions, and how stepping into our uniqueness can be a game-changer in life and business. 

Watch the full episode on YouTube or listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify

With love & passion,


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