The path of a soul-preneur is one filled with radical courage.
One day we’re celebrating a wave of new soul-mate clients. The next, nothing but crickets and a steady stream of “no, no, no.”
Either way, we get up every day and begin again.
We get back up because we’re CALLED.
We choose to make our calling more important than our fear.
Still, change-making can feel lonely.
It’s important to surround ourselves with people who can grock our vision. Who are “in the arena” with us.
Imagine connecting with a group of sensitive, change-making weirdos just like you.
Everyone in the room excited for you, your vision, and your business.
Deep connection. True support.
Connection that transforms.
Let’s embrace radical courage.
Let’s seek out those who resonate with our vision.
Let’s embrace the transformative power of connection in our journey as a soul-preneur and discover how it can shape the world we touch!
With passion & love,