Paperclips, momentum, and hope … ✨
What do paperclips have to do with magnetism?
Watch this video to find out.
(Or keep scrolling if you prefer to read.)
I share some truths about magnetic public speaking, living, and leadership.
Let’s travel back in time together …
The first time I remember someone using the word “magnetism” with me was nearly two decades ago.
I was nervous about filling one of my acting classes.
If it didn’t fill, then I wouldn’t get the $$$ or the fun experience. When I shared this with one of my mentors, Catherine Fitzmaurice of Fitzmaurice Voicework, she looked me square in the eye and said,
Her booming voice filled the room. I mean, it reverberated and echoed long after she finished speaking.
How did I respond to her powerful advice?
I turned around and pushed, and forced and tried to PROVE to people that the class was worth it.
Surprise, surprise – the class did not fill.
It did not fill because all that pushing and forcing was not at all what she meant by “Magnetize Yourself.”
Cuz when we push and force and try to control things, we become like a magnet turned backwards, repelling everything in our paths.
(And when we’re doing all that pushing and forcing, the person we’re really trying to prove it to is ourselves. Been there, done that about a million times.)
That’s what I did.
Effort is not the same thing as energy. ✨
I was efforting in a desperate attempt to fill my class.
I was not magnetizing the right people into my class.
The truth is, we are actually magnetic all the time.
Extroverted, high energy people, when they’re being themselves, are magnetic.
Quiet people, when they are being themselves, are magnetic.
Magnetism is not one-size fits all.
When we’re
☑️ Being ourselves
☑️ Aligned
☑️ In a state of trust
☑️ Taking aligned actions
☑️ Receptive
We become like the magnet turned the right way.
That’s how we draw the right people to us.
That’s when my classes fill, for example.
And a really cool thing about magnets?
Imagine an actual magnet turned out, attracting a bunch of paper clips. At first, it starts attracting those paper clips pretty s…l…o…w…l…y.
Eventually, that magnet starts to gain momentum.
That’s when the paperclips speed up and eventually snap in.
That magnet gaining momentum is where I feel we are right now as people “being the change that we wish to see in the world.”
The rebels, the change-makers, the sensitive visionaries, the ambitious empaths doing our part to make the world a better place.
When we’re aligned with our highest selves, we’re like that magnet drawing the paperclips.
At first, the movement might be pretty slow.
Eventually the movement (and our movements) start to gain momentum.
And that’s how we’ll each fulfill our calling.
Drop a 🧡 below if you agree.
With passion & love,