Commitment Catalyst

Commitment Catalyst

It’s so tempting to wait until we feel ready. Unfortunately most of the time, it doesn’t work like that. Commitment is a catalyst for transformation. Watch this video (originally recorded live) to find out more. What are you committed to? Respond in the comments....
The Magic of Groups

The Magic of Groups

We started wearing emotional masks and energetic armor out in the world. Our habits of suppressing and hiding our true nature were born in community. Working in an intimate group of like-hearted souls helps us undo those habits and to come home to ourselves. When the...
The Importance of Groups

The Importance of Groups

Practicing in groups is vital for visionary leaders who speak. Why? Watch this video (originally recorded LIVE) to learn part of my answer … With passion & love,LauriPS – If you’re longing to practice in a safe and supportive group, join me at...
Get Naked!

Get Naked!

Curious? Watch this video (originally recorded live) to learn how getting naked can help you be a better speaker. If you’d like some support on your journey, book a breakthrough session now:...
Visionary Leadership Must Haves

Visionary Leadership Must Haves

Today’s world is calling for a new kind of leader: One who inspires instead of commands. Watch this video (originally recorded live) to learn what it takes to be a visionary leader. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for … If you’d like some...
Vocal Health Tips for Flu Season

Vocal Health Tips for Flu Season

You know that tickle in your throat that becomes a scratch that turns into sounding like a frog? Yup. Been there. You know how it is. Everyone around you is getting sick. They cough, they sneeze, and you do both – while also losing your voice! If part of our...