Beyond Words

Beyond Words

“Words mean more then what is set down on paper, It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning,” – Maya Angelou Want to know how to infuse your words with depth and range? Watch this video to learn how to go BEYOND...
It’s Not (Just) What You Say

It’s Not (Just) What You Say

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. day earlier this week, I’m going to share one of my favorite ways of illustrating that it’s not (just) what you say, it’s also how you say it. Watch this Voice Matters video to learn...
Offers with Soul

Offers with Soul

Do you LOVE coaching, teaching, and serving but HATE making offers? Watch this Video (originally recorded live) to learn the difference between head, heart, and soul offers – and how to make them!  Update: If you want to learn and practice how to make...
Comfort Schmumfort

Comfort Schmumfort

If your highest dream is to be comfortable when speaking in public, you may not want to watch this one. If, on the other hand, your high speaking dream involves transformation, trail-blazing and inspiring others, this one’s for you … If you like this and you’d like to...