by Lauri | Speeches, Thoughts, Videos
Are you a visionary soul on a mission? Is the world stage calling you to share your message in a bigger way? Do you want to awaken, energize and move people when you speak? Watch this video (recorded live) to learn a few secrets to Advanced Transformation. If this...
by Lauri | Education, Speeches, Videos
Have you ever been frustrated when learning something new? I feel ya. The process of learning can be so uncomfortable at times. And … This video’s for you. Watch it for a dose of peace and...
by Lauri | Speeches, Thoughts, Videos
Are you a visionary on a mission dedicated to serving others? If so, you’re probably spending a lot of time holding space for others. If you’re a sensitive soul, an empath, or an HSP, you might be doing it without thinking about it. In this short video...
by Lauri | Speeches, Thoughts, Videos
If you’re a visionary on a soul’s mission, you may LOVE helping others, and avoid fully expressing your truth. Here’s the thing … your full expression and your ability to serve others are linked. Watch this video to learn more. 🤓 If this speaks...
by Lauri | Education, Speeches
Let’s take a real-world look at the potential cost of Relationship Engagement C – Control. In 2004, front running US Democratic Presidential Candidate Howard Dean arguably lost the race because he engaged from Relationship Engagement C in a moment that...